BMDExpress 2 is a desktop application for Windows, Mac or Linux (See IMPORTANT warning) that enables analysis of dose-response data produced in differential gene expression experiments. It provides stepwise workflows that combine benchmark dose (BMD) calculations with functional classification analysis based on Gene Ontology (GO), Signaling Pathways (Reactome), or custom categories provided by the user. The end results are estimates of doses at which cellular processes are altered, based on an increase or decrease in response in expression levels compared to untreated controls. All of the dose-response curve fit models utilized by BMDExpress 2 are those contained within USEPA BMDS software. For a detailed description of the models, the user is referred to the BMDS User Manual.
Example BMDExpress 2 expression data files
Note: Compressed zip file contains 3 expression data files. User will need to unzip before using.
Example BMDExpress 2 project file (.bm2)
Note: Compressed zip file contains the .bm2 file used in the tutorial videos. User will need to unzip the file before loading into BMDExpress 2.
Tutorial Videos
A playlist of video tutorials created by Scott Auerbach is available. Videos will also be linked in each section for their relevant functions.